Besides listing exceptional Vermont Equestrian Properties, we are pleased to offer links to equestrian resources in the Southern Vermont Region. For more information about Vermont horse farms or the equestrian community, please contact us.
Regional & Vermont Equestrian and Dressage Organizations:
American Quarter Horse Association
Central Vermont Dressage Association
Green Mountain Horse Association
Intercollegiate Horse Show Association
Morgan Dressage Association
New England Dressage Association
New England Horsemans council
Southern NH Dressage and Combined Training Association
United States Dressage Federation
United States Equestrian Federation
Vermont Horse
Vermont Horse Council
Vermont Morgan Horse Association
Vermont Quarter Horse Association
Equine Veterinarians in Vermont include:
Aeolus Animal Hospital & Equine Ctr.
RR1 Box 2502
Manchester Ctr., VT 05255
(802) 362-2241
Blue Ridge Equine, LLC - Dr. Lisa A. Hickman
PO Box 82 / 64 Casey Road
Chittenden, VT 05737
Specializing in Equine Dentistry & Chiropratic
Cold River Veterinary Ctr.
RR2 Box 331
No. Clarendon, VT 05759
(802) 747-4076
David G. Webster
272 Depot Street
Bradford, VT 05033
Lisa A. Hickman - Equine DVM (Dentistry, Chiropractic)
548 Route 7B N
N. Clarendon, VT 05759
Mark B. Gallagher , DVM
1271 Dawson Hill Road
East Wallingford, VT 05742
Middlebury Large Animal Clinic
1396 Route 7 South
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-6321
Springfield Animal Hospital
346 River St.,
Springfield, VT 05156
Stephen Purdy DVM
1847 Trebo Rd.
Chester, VT 05143
(802) 875-4503
Stone Cliff Animal Clinic
PO Box 900
Bradford, VT 05033
(802) 222-4903
Vermont Equine Medical
87 Justin Morrill Hwy.
S. Stafford, VT 05070
(802) 765-4400
William Barry DVM
RFD Box 81
Brookfield, VT 05036
(802) 276-3111
For more information, please contact the Veterinary Support Personnel Network or consult this list of New England and Vermont Equine Veterinarians
Farriers in Southern Vermont include:
Bo Poulsen
Plainfield, VT
(802) 476-7270
Tim Wall
Ladd Brook Road
Pownal, VT
(802) 823-4674.
Click here for a more complete list of Vermont Farriers